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Just A Little Help Can Make Their Hearts Happier.

“H.O.M.E” Couldn’t exist without its treasured supporters. From raising money to volunteering or simply spreading the word – only you can help us fulfill our mission. We value every contribution, big or small. Every donation we receive is cherished and used wisely.

Levels of Charitable giving to Make a Difference

Benefits Provided:
            You will be hitting the ball out of the park with this donation.  Your donation will help HOME to stay effective and efficient with meeting the needs of the youth in foster care, even after they age out of the system.  This contribution level will help to provide transition services to multiple youth per month.  This involves helping to find housing and furniture for those either choosing to enter the workforce or to go onto college.

Benefits Provided:
This donation level serves to benefit youth who will be working on sustainability of the “Garden of EATEN.”  Contributions in this category allow HOME to purchase seed/fertilizer and other garden supplies.  It also helps with weed control and irrigation for the “Homegrown” Garden.  Youth will learn the importance of healthy eating habits that will be beneficial for life.  This category of giving serves to accommodate ten youth per month.

Benefits Provided:
          “Homework” is just what it says – working for the success of HOME in various areas, as needed. These are the “boots on the ground” efforts to handle the day-to-day activities at HOME. Work in this category involves facilities maintenance and food preparation activities for the youth involves in the programs being offered. The number of youths benefitting from Homework can range from 20 – 30 individuals per month.

Benefits Provided:
          This category is for all the “HOME-Y’s” willing to go the extra mile at a moment’s notice. For example, this donation can help provide bus tokens to students needing transportation to activities that are offered. Other areas of support include gift cards, food vouchers, gas cards and other small items that go a long way in extending a helping hand to the youth who require immediate help. A number of families (including youth) will benefit from the HOME-Y’s who help in this donation group.

This will cover whatever level of generosity that you fall within. No amount is too small. Your contribution, however great or small, will be used to benefit the youth of HOME.
All donors will receive gift(s) of appreciation in the form of various mementos to convey our heartfelt appreciation for your support of all the efforts underway at HOME.
Other Ways to Support Us

Give of your Time and/or Talent

            You are the person that will say, “I don’t have any money to donate, but will be happy to help.”  There is always a need for a “Homebody” at HOME!  Your presence or your contribution of time, talent or in-kind donations are much appreciated and will help to deliver services to those youth that need a helping hand.

You can donate us by Cash App also. Please Scan the QR code below :

Haven Of Memorable Experiences, INC.



To send your donations through Bank transfer (ACH), please send us at :

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We are always looking for our partners to join us & to make a difference. If you want to be a partner with us. Dial us at 832-715-9100